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July 2024 Sightings

July 31st

Minsmere: four Spoonbills from East Hide. 

Hazlewood Marsh: three Curlew Sandpipers and nine Spoonbills.


July 30th

Walberswick: two juvenile Caspian Gulls at the harbour.

Minsmere: Curlew Sandpiper and a Wood Sandpiper on East Scrape. 

Hazlewood Marsh: two adult Curlew Sandpipers.

Hollesley Marsh: two Spoonbills and a Wood Sandpiper.


July 29th

Lowestoft: Black Redstart at Ness Point by the wind turbine.

Carlton Marsh: Little Stint on Peto's Marsh and Spoonbill from Turnpike Hide.

Minsmere: Little Stint on South Scrape, two Spoonbills and a Sanderling on East Scrape. 

Hazlewood Marsh: six adult Curlew Sandpipers and 13 Spoonbills.


July 28th

Hazlewood Marsh: three Curlew Sandpipers and 12 Spoonbills.

Shingle Street: a Short-eared Owl between Shingle Street and East Lane.


July 27th

Minsmere: Wood Sandpiper on South Scrape. 

Hazlewood Marsh: four Curlew Sandpipers and six Spoonbills.

Hollesley Marsh: one Spoonbill and juvenile Garganey.

Trimley Marsh: Cattle Egret from the reservoir hide.


July 26th

​Breydon Water: an adult Little Gull west of the bridge.

Minsmere: Wood Sandpiper on East Scrape. 

Aldeburgh Marsh: two Wood Sandpipers.

Hazlewood Marsh: two Curlew Sandpipers and 12 Spoonbills.


July 25th

Walberswick: a Wood Sandpiper on Tinkers Marsh.

Minsmere: two Garganey, four juvenile limosa Black-tailed Godwits and 19 Little Gulls.


July 24th

Minsmere: a pale phase Arctic Skua flew south offshore.

Hazlewood Marsh: 19 Spoonbills present.

Cavenham Heath: an adult female RED-BACKED SHRIKE by the Temple Bridge Car Park.


July 23rd

Chediston: probable NIGHT HERON over at 21.55.


July 22nd

Minsmere: four Spoonbills on East Scrape, male Garganey on South Scrape and an Osprey over the South Levels.

July 21st

Minsmere: five Spoonbills on East Scrape, juvenile limosa Black-tailed Godwits, two juvenile Garganey and seven Little Gulls on South Scrape.


July 20th

St Margaret South Elham: two QUAIL early morning.


July 19th

Minsmere: 11 Spoonbills, two Arctic Terns, three juvenile limosa Black-tailed Godwits and 14 Little Gulls.

Hollesley Marsh: a Wood Sandpiper on the scrape.


July 18th

Minsmere: Curlew Sandpiper from the Public Hide.

Sizewell: five Arctic Skuas, three Arctic Terns and five Little Gulls offshore.

Hollesley Marsh: three Spoonbills present.

East Bergholt: two Glossy Ibis reported heading north.


July 17th

Minsmere: two Spoonbills from East Hide.

Hazlewood Marsh: 11 Spoonbills present.

Hollesley Marsh: a Spoonbill and a Wood Sandpiper on the scrape.


July 16th

Minsmere: the male RED-BACKED SHRIKE still along the North Wall.

Sizewell: an adult Black Tern and a Little Gull at the outfall.

Aldeburgh Marsh: Wood Sandpiper present.

Hazlewood Marsh: eight Spoonbills.

Hollesley Marsh: a juvenile limosa Black-tailed Godwit on the scrape.


July 15th

Minsmere: the male RED-BACKED SHRIKE again in bushes along the North Wall.


July 14th

Carlton Marsh: Garganey on Peto's Marsh.

Minsmere: a male RED-BACKED SHRIKE showing along the North Wall plus two juvenile limosa Black-tailed Godwits and a 2CY Arctic Tern from South Hide.


July 13th

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON still on Share Marsh plus three Garganey on Peto's Marsh.

Minsmere: a male RED-BACKED SHRIKE on Coney Hill plus two juvenile limosa Black-tailed Godwits, two Arctic Terns, two Spoonbills and a Little Ringed Plover.


July 12th

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON still on Share Marsh.


July 11th

Kessingland: an Osprey circling over the sewage works.

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again hunting over Share Marsh.

Minsmere: a male RED-BACKED SHRIKE at the North Bushes.

Eastbridge: a HONEY-BUZZARD flew south.

Felixstowe: the adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING again around St. Andrews Road and Queen's Road.


July 10th

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again hunting over Share Marsh.

Aldeburgh Marsh: two Wood Sandpipers present.

Hollesley Marsh: a Wood Sandpiper on the scrape.

Felixstowe: a ROSE-COLOURED STARLING seen along Tomline Road.


July 9th

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again in front of Tower Hide.

Minsmere: an Arctic Tern on South Scrape, five Spoonbills and a Little Ringed Plover on East Scrape.

Aldeburgh: a juvenile Caspian Gull on the beach.

Felixstowe: the adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING seen on Cowley Road.


July 8th

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again by the Share Marsh trail.

Minsmere: a ROSEATE TERN on East Scrape, a male RED-BACKED SHRIKE on Coney Hill, two limosa Black-tailed Godwits plus three Arctic Terns, nine Spoonbills and three Little Ringed Plovers.

Aldeburgh Marsh: three Spoonbills.

Hazlewood Marsh: seven Spoonbills.

Hollesley Marsh: nine Spoonbills on the scrape.

Felixstowe: the adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING seen on St. Andrews Road and Queen's Road.


July 7th

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again by the Share Marsh trail.

Minsmere: a ROSEATE TERN on South Scrape plus a 2CY Arctic Tern.

Felixstowe: the adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING seen on St. Andrews Road and Queen's Road.


July 6th

Carlton Marsh: three Spoonbills on Peto's Marsh.

Minsmere: a ROSEATE TERN on South Scrape plus a Spoonbill.

Alde Estuary: two Spoonbills at Iken.

Felixstowe: the adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING seen on Cowley Road.


July 5th

Minsmere: two Cranes seen on the Levels.

Felixstowe: the adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING again in gardens along Cobbold Road.

Pipps Ford: a Wood Sandpiper still present.


July 4th

Hollesley Marsh: three Spoonbills and two Little Ringed Plovers.

Felixstowe: an adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING reported in gardens along Cobbold Road.

Trimley Marsh: two Spoonbills on the reserve.

Pipps Ford: a Wood Sandpiper present.


July 3rd

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again by the Share Marsh trail.

Hollesley Marsh: a Wood Sandpiper on the scrape.


July 2nd

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again around the reserve.

Minsmere: a ROSEATE TERN on South Scrape.


July 1st

Carlton Marsh: the RED-FOOTED FALCON again around the reserve.

Minsmere: a count of 17 Spotted Redshanks and three Little Gulls.

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