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May 2024 Sightings

May 31st

Lowestoft: two Manx Shearwaters flew north past Ness Point at 19:00.

Southwold: a Manx Shearwater flew south.

Minsmere: two Manx Shearwaters, seven Fulmar and a Razorbill flew south.

Slaughden: two Fulmar and an Arctic Skua north.

Hazlewood Marsh: a Spoonbill.

Bawdsey: a Manx Shearwater and three Fulmars off East Lane. 


May 30th

Minsmere: an immature Glossy Ibis flew over south and landed towards Lucky Pool plus two first-summer Little Gulls on East Scrape.

Leiston: a QUAIL again heard from Wild Aldhurst.

Aldeburgh Marsh: the Blue-headed Wagtail still on the main flash.

Hazlewood Marsh: three Spoonbills.

Boyton Marsh: two Eider on the river.


May 29th

Minsmere: a BLACK KITE flew south-west at 13:30.

Leiston: a QUAIL heard from Wild Aldhurst, south of lagoons.

North Warren: a Spoonbill on South Marsh.

Aldeburgh: a BLACK KITE circling over the golf course at 13:45.

Aldeburgh Marsh: the Blue-headed Wagtail still on the main flash.

Snape: a BLACK KITE east over Snape Warren at 11:50.

Hollesley Marsh: the female Goosander and two Little Ringed Plovers.

Micklemere: a drake Garganey.


May 28th

Blythburgh: a full summer-plumaged Cattle Egret at Union Farm then in cattle fields north of Wenhaston Lane.

Aldeburgh Marsh: the Blue-headed Wagtail still on the main flash.

Hollesley Marsh: the long-staying female Goosander and Glossy Ibis both again.


May 27th

Dunwich: two groups of Manx Shearwater (8 and 7) south off Dunwich beach.

North Warren: a Spoonbill on South Marsh.

Aldeburgh Marsh: the Blue-headed Wagtail still on the main flash plus two Cattle Egrets over towards Sudbourne.

Hazlewood Marsh: a Spoonbill and a Little Gull.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis again.

Chillesford: a ringtail Harrier sp. (either Montagu's or Pallid) flew high north-east.

Upper Hollesley Common: a male RED-BACKED SHRIKE west of the top car park.

Micklemere: two drake Garganey present.


May 26th

Minsmere: a female RED-BACKED SHRIKE seen briefly by the sluice, a first-summer Little Gull on South Scrape and a Curlew Sandpiper on East Scrape.

Woodbridge: a WHITE STORK over the town heading down river.

Micklemere: two drake Garganey present.

Lackford Lakes: a Red-crested Pochard at Paul's Hide.


May 25th

Corton: male RED-BACKED SHRIKE at the old sewage works.

Kessingland: a Short-eared Owl just north of the sluice.

Southwold: a Short-eared Owl in fields behind the Sail Loft.

Thorpeness: a first-summer Little Gull offshore.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis again.


May 24th

Minsmere: a HONEY BUZZARD reported over the reserve at 10:45am.

Aldeburgh Marsh: a Blue-headed Wagtail still and heard singing.

Boyton Marsh: Glossy Ibis and a PRATINCOLE sp. (probably Collared) briefly over early afternoon and heading towards Hollesley Marshes.

May 23rd

North Cove: male RED-BACKED SHRIKE at SWT Castle Marshes.

Minsmere: a Roseate Tern on South Scrape.

Barking: GOLDEN ORIOLE singing early morning at SWT Bonny Wood.


May 22nd

Lound: male RED-BACKED SHRIKE at Lound Water Works.

Minsmere: a pair of Garganey.

Aldeburgh Marsh: a TEMMINCK'S STINT, a Wood Sandpiper, four SanderlingShort-eared Owl, a Spoonbill and a Blue-headed Wagtail.

Boyton Marsh: drake Garganey.

Ipswich: a BEE-EATER low heading east over Ipswich Hospital.


May 21st

Aldeburgh Marsh: a Blue-headed Wagtail, a Wood Sandpiper, two Sanderling and a MONTAGU'S HARRIER over.

Hollesley Marsh: Short-eared Owl still this morning.


May 20th

Minsmere: two Little Tern and a first summer Little Gull on South Scrape plus two Ruff on West Scrape

Aldeburgh Marsh: a Blue-headed Wagtail, a Wood Sandpiper and a Raven over. 

Boyton Marsh: Glossy Ibis.

Hollesley Marsh: drake Garganey, the long-staying redhead Goosander and Short-eared Owl still plus two Little Ringed Plovers

Micklemere: a drake Garganey still.


May 19th

Minsmere: a MONTAGU'S HARRIER seen over the Visitor Centre this afternoon, first seen briefly over Dunwich Heath heading towards Minsmere.

Hollesley Marsh: a Spoonbillthe Glossy Ibis, a drake Garganey and the long-staying redhead Goosander still, plus a Short-eared Owl this evening that flew across to Orfordness. 

Trimley Marsh: a Ringtail Harrier sp. flew south west over the reserve towards Shotley Marshes at 16.10pm.

Hintlesham: a Raven over the village at 1.30pm.


May 18th

Walberswick: the drake Long-tailed Duck offshore amongst a Common Scoter flock.

Sizewell: a singing Wood Warbler briefly at Beach View Caravan Park this morning.

Thorpeness: a BEE-EATER (heard only) north of the village this evening.

Aldeburgh Marsh: two Blue-headed Wagtail.

Hollesley Marsh: two Curlew Sandpiper, and the Glossy Ibis and drake Garganey still.


May 17th

Eastern Bavents: a Short-eared Owl briefly this afternoon.

Minsmere: a first summer Little Gull on West Scrape.

Aldeburgh Marsh: Blue-headed Wagtail still and a Short-eared Owl present.

North Warren: an Osprey over early afternoon.

Hollesley Marsh: a drake Garganey, a three Spoonbill, the Glossy Ibis still and a Short-eared Owl present.

Redgrave and Lopham Fen: Grasshopper Warbler heard reeling.

Micklemere: a drake Garganey still. 


May 16th

Kessingland: a Short-eared Owl along the beach then flew inland over the village.

Dunwich: a drake Long-tailed Duck with a Common Scoter flock off the coastguards then seen drifting south past Minsmere.

Minsmere: the PURPLE HERON again in flight from Island Mere and an Osprey south over the levels.

Aldeburgh Marsh: two TEMMINCK'S STINTS and a Blue-headed Wagtail.

Hollesley Marsh: a Short-eared Owl present.

Pipps Ford: Wood Sandpiper present.

Micklemere: a drake Garganey at the site.


May 15th

Minsmere: the PURPLE HERON again in flight over the South Levels.

Westleton: a MONTAGU'S HARRIER over Westleton Common.

North Warren: Whinchat on the footpath through the marshes.

Hollesley Marsh: two Spoonbill, two Short-eared Owls, the Glossy Ibis still, two Little Ringed Plovers and the long-staying redhead Goosander.

Felixstowe: an Arctic Skua at LBO.


May 14th

Minsmere: the PURPLE HERON again the South Levels and later flew into the reedbeds between Bittern Hide and Island Mere.

Aldeburgh Marsh: a Short-eared Owl present again.

Felixstowe: a Short-eared Owl hunting over the golf course at Felixstowe Ferry.

Micklemere: a drake Garganey at the site.


May 13th

Sotterley: a Pied Flycatcher midway along the lane to the church.

Blythburgh: an Osprey north over the A12.

Walberswick: two TEMMINCK'S STINTS and three Curlew Sandpipers on Tinkers Marsh.

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT still on West Scrape, a BLACK KITE over the work centre and a PURPLE HERON on the South Levels and later flew into the reedbeds between Bittern Hide and Island Mere.

Aldeburgh Marsh: a TEMMINCK'S STINT, a Curlew Sandpiper and a Little Stint plus a Short-eared Owl near the sluice.

Felixstowe: a male Pied Flycatcher at LBO.

Long Melford: Whinchat at Bulney Moors.


May 12th

Walberswick: three TEMMINCK'S STINTS and two Little Stints on Tinkers Marsh plus an Arctic Tern north.

Minsmere: two TEMMINCK'S STINTS still on West Scrape and a Little Ringed Plover.

Aldeburgh Marsh: a TEMMINCK'S STINT, a Curlew Sandpiper and four Little Stints.

Snape Warren: WHITE STORK flew high east.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis again plus six Spoonbill.

Shingle Street: two Short-eared Owls opposite Oxley Dairy.

Kirton Creek: an Osprey over the River Deben.

Trimley Marsh: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on the winter flood.


May 11th

Carlton Marsh: two Wood Sandpipers on Peto's Marsh plus a flock of 10+ Black Terns.

Southwold: a Little Stint on the north-east flash.

Minsmere: two TEMMINCK'S STINTS on West Scrape with one also seen on Lucky Pool, with a Crane also noted there and a Black Tern over Island Mere.

Aldeburgh Marsh: three Little Stints and a Curlew Sandpiper.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis still, a Wood Sandpiper, six Spoonbill and a brief Black Tern.

Trimley Marsh: a TEMMINCK'S STINT on the winter flood.

Micklemere: two drake Garganey.

Lackford Lakes: two Black Terns still present.


May 10th

Burgh Castle: a WHITE-TAILED EAGLE flew low west.

Fritton Marshes: two Spoonbills and a first-summer Little Gull.

Walberswick: a TEMMINCK'S STINT and a Little Stint on Tinkers Marsh.

Minsmere: a drake Garganey seen from the public viewing hide plus a TEMMINCK'S STINT, a Little Ringed Plover and a Little Gull from West Hide.

Aldeburgh: two Cranes flew south over the western edge of the village.

Aldeburgh Marsh: the above two Cranes relocated.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis still.

Nayland: an Osprey soaring over.

Lackford Lakes: three Black Terns reported.


May 9th

Minsmere: a Pied Flycatcher in trees by the Discovery Centre.

Aldeburgh Marsh: Short-eared Owl present.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis still, two Little Ringed Plovers, the long-staying redhead Goosander and three Short-eared Owls by the sluice.

Woodbridge: a presumed female MONTAGU'S HARRIER flew high east over the town.

Foxhall: a WHITE-TAILED EAGLE flew low north over over Foxhall Tip. 

Micklemere: an Osprey seen flying west from the site.


May 8th

Minsmere: two Cranes circled Island Mere and then headed north up the coast. A possible PURPLE HERON was seen briefly at Island Mere.

Aldeburgh Marshes: Wood Sandpiper on the main pool.

Hollesley Marsh: a Bewick's Swan on the scrape, the Glossy Ibis still, two Little Ringed Plovers, the long-staying redhead Goosander and two Spoonbill flew north towards Boyton.

Shelley: a drake Garganey on Gifford's Flash.


May 7th

Hen Reedbeds: the HOOPOE again in the quarry behind Hen Reedbeds car park and a BEE-EATER heard over mid-afternoon.

Walberswick: the first-winter drake SURF SCOTER again offshore.

North Warren: a Long-eared Owl hunting roadside by the Sluice Cottage.

Shingle Street: four Cranes flew over towards Hollesley RSPB plus a Grasshopper Warbler by Oxley Dairy.

Lackford Lakes: a Black Tern on the sailing lake.


May 6th

Southwold: a Blue-headed Wagtail on pools below the water tower on Town Marshes .

Hen Reedbeds: a HOOPOE in the quarry behind Hen Reedbeds car park.

Walberswick: the first-winter drake SURF SCOTER again offshore.

Westleton: a Crane flew east.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis still present in the flooded meadow opposite the café.


May 5th

Frostenden: a Raven flew south.

Walberswick: the first-winter drake SURF SCOTER again offshore.

Hen Reedbeds: a HOOPOE in the quarry behind Hen Reedbeds car park.

Minsmere: a GOLDEN ORIOLE singing by the visitor centre and a WRYNECK singing along Clay Lane.

Aldeburgh Marsh: the DOTTEREL again present plus a Blue-headed Wagtail around the central pools.

Boyton Marsh: Cattle Egret with cattle towards the new scrape.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis still present in the flooded meadow opposite the café.

Shingle Street: three Short-eared Owls around the grassy fields.


May 4th

Lowestoft: a HOODED CROW reported north pas Ness Point.

Southwold: a Pied Flycatcher at Waters Copse.

Walberswick: Short-eared Owl on a post between the wind pump and the shore plus two Spoonbills on the pools.

Dunwich: a Short-eared Owl at Dunwich Cliffs then over the north bushes, Minsmere.


May 3rd

Carlton Marsh: GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL on Peto's Marsh and also a Little Ringed Plover.

Minsmere: two Curlew Sandpipers and an Arctic Tern on South Scrape.

North Warren: a Short-eared Owl flew north up the beach.

Aldeburgh Marshes: the DOTTEREL still present.

Hollesley Marsh: the Glossy Ibis still present in the flooded meadow opposite the café.

Trimley Marsh: TEMMINCK'S STINT on the winter flood, a Wood Sandpiper plus a Cattle Egret from the view point.


May 2nd

Southwold: a HOOPOE early morning at Buss Creek flash, which flew south and seen briefly from a footpath in the private fishing pits compound.

Walberswick: the first-winter drake SURF SCOTER again offshore.

Saxmundham: a single Waxwing still present in the square behind Waitrose.

Aldeburgh Marshes: the DOTTEREL again in the south-west corner plus a Short-eared Owl.

Hollesley Marsh: Spoonbill, a Bewick's Swan, the Glossy Ibis still, two Little Ringed Plovers and the long-staying redhead Goosander.

Felixstowe: the Tree Pipit still in the LBO compound.


May 1st

Walberswick: a first-winter drake SURF SCOTER again offshore.

Minsmere: a Short-eared Owl hunting near the Chapel and Grasshopper Warbler south of Lucky Pool.

Sizewell: WHITE-TAILED EAGLE over the beach car park.

Leiston: WHITE STORK south over the town.

Saxmundham: seven Waxwings again in the square behind Waitrose.

Aldeburgh Marshes: the DOTTEREL again in the south-west corner plus a Short-eared Owl.

Alde Estuary: Osprey at Hazlewood Marshes plus two Short-eared Owls.

Boyton Marsh: two Cattle Egrets with cattle by Butley Ferry.

Felixstowe: the Tree Pipit again at LBO.

Trimley St. Mary: WHITE STORK reported flying west over Grimston Hall Farm towards the Orwell Estuary.

Walsham le Willows: WHITE STORK flew east over the village.

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