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February 2025 Sightings

February 18th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present opposite the southernmost caravan.

Benacre: a Merlin around the Beach Farm sheep field.

Benacre Broad: seven Whooper Swans plus two Scaup

Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW again present.

Alton Water: a Hawfinch and a Cattle Egret around the reservoir.


February 17th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present opposite the southernmost caravan.

Benacre Broad: two Scaup.

Minsmere: a Water Pipit on the South Levels, a juvenile Glaucous Gull on the beach and three Caspian Gulls.

Thorpeness: five Goosanders on the Meare plus an adult Caspian Gull.

Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW again present.

Sudbourne Marsh: two Short-eared Owls.

Boyton Marsh: 287 Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Hollesley Marsh: the Cattle Egret in the field below the prison and several Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Holbrook: 4+ Hawfinches again around the churchyard.

Lower Holbrook: two Slavonian Grebes in Holbrook Bay.

Offton: two Ravens over the village.


February 16th

Walberswick: c.30 Snow Buntings still along the beach between Walberswick and Dunwich.

Minsmere: a Water Pipit from West Hide, two Cranes at Island Mere, four Whooper Swans on East Scrape and a Merlin between Minsmere and Westleton.

Aldringham Walks: a Jack Snipe flushed.

Thorpeness: the drake RING-NECKED DUCK again on the Meare plus a second-winter Caspian Gull.

North Warren: five Water Pipits on South Marsh, viewable from the central track.

Aldeburgh Estuary: the Great Northern Diver again on the river.

Aldeburgh Marsh: 350 Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW again present.

Blaxhall: the six Whooper Swans again in the field along School Road.

Martlesham Creek: a Hawfinch adjacent to the boatyard.

Wherstead: a Black-throated Diver off the Strand.


February 15th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present.

Benacre Broad: seven Whooper Swans plus a Scaup.

Minsmere: two Spoonbills on East Scrape.

Aldeburgh Marsh: c.200 Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW again present.

Hollesley Marsh: the Cattle Egret in the field below the prison and two Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Woolverstone: a Great Northern Diver on the river.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again around the churchyard.


February 14th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present and two Jack Snipe in the reedbed on the north beach..

Carlton Marsh: the Red-necked Grebe again on the big lagoon on Peto's Marsh.

Minsmere: Water Pipit from West Hide.

Thorpeness: seven Goosander on the Meare.

Aldeburgh Estuary: the Great Northern Diver again on the river.

Aldeburgh Marsh: 235 Eurasian White-fronted Geese and a Merlin.

Holbrook: two Hawfinches again around the churchyard.


February 13th

Carlton Marsh: a Red-necked Grebe on the big lagoon on Peto's Marsh.

Boyton Marsh: 140 Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Hollesley Marsh: four Bewick's Swans, the Cattle Egret in the field below the prison and a first-winter Caspian Gull on the scrape plus two Eurasian White-fronted Geese in the field between the car park and the scrape.

Wherstead: a Black-throated Diver off the Strand.

Flatford: nine Hawfinches flew north over Gibbonsgate Lake and landed in Miller's Field Wood.


February 12th

Minsmere: six Bewick's Swans a still on the Scrape.

Hollesley Marsh: a Short-eared Owl and a Water Pipit.

Trimley: both the Pink-footed Goose and a Tundra Bean Goose present plus seven Eurasian White-fronted Geese. A Great Northern Diver on the river.

Freston: a Black-throated Diver flew up river plus two Great Northern Divers towards Woolverstone Marina.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again around the churchyard.


February 11th

Benacre Broad: six Whooper Swans plus three Scaup.

Dunwich: 50+ Snow Buntings on the beach north of the car park.

Minsmere: six Bewick's Swans and two Water Pipits on West Scrape.

Slaughden: a Great Northern Diver flew over the Martello Tower heading out to sea.

​February 10th

No news.


February 9th

Lowestoft: nine Purple Sandpipers 500m north of Ness Point.

Minsmere: four Bewick's Swans, 4+ Caspian Gulls and a Water Pipit.

Aldeburgh Estuary: the Great Northern Diver again off the old Brick Dock.

Aldeburgh Marsh: 264 Eurasian White-fronted Geese and five Water Pipits.

Hollesley Marsh: a Short-eared Owl by the power lines.

Chelmondiston: a Black-throated Diver off Clamp House Marsh.

Holbrook: four Hawfinches again around the churchyard.

Flatford: 2+ Hawfinches again in trees west of the entrance to short path leading to Judas Gap.

Gifford's Flash: a Hawfinch by the road near East Lodge.


February 8th

Minsmere: a juvenile Glaucous Gull on East Scrape.

Sizewell: likely the same juvenile Glaucous Gull seen at Minsmere was by the Sizewell B outflow.

Aldeburgh Estuary: a juvenile Great Northern Diver off the old Brick Dock plus a Merlin towards Hazlewood Marsh.

Aldeburgh Marsh: 150 Eurasian White-fronted Geese and a Merlin.

Melton: two Slavonian Grebes reported on the river.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again around the churchyard.

Flatford: seven Hawfinches again in trees west of the entrance to short path leading to Judas Gap.


February 7th

Southwold: a Sooty Shearwater close in, heading north offshore.

Minsmere: a juvenile Glaucous Gull on the South Levels plus 20+ Caspian Gulls around the reserve.

Aldeburgh Estuary: a juvenile Great Northern Diver off the old Brick Dock.

Stour Estuary: a Shag just up river from Harwich docks.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again in the churchyard.

Lower Holbrook: two Slavonian Grebes in Holbrook Bay.


February 6th

Somerleyton: two Cattle Egrets along Slugs Lane.

Corton: a Firecrest again in Corton woods.

Aldeburgh Estuary: a juvenile Great Northern Diver off the old Brick Dock.

Felixstowe Ferry: eight Tundra Bean Geese flew north and a Jack Snipe along the river wall. A Cattle Egret still in the meadow behind Gulpher Farm.

Loompit Lake: both the Pink-footed Goose and a Tundra Bean Goose present plus four Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Freston: a Black-throated Diver off Stoke Sailing Club.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again in the churchyard.


February 5th

Somerleyton: six Cattle Egrets along Slugs Lane.

Corton: two Firecrests and a Ring-necked Parakeet at the north end of Corton woods.

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present, just south of the last caravan.

Minsmere: six Bewick's Swans still on East Scrape.

North Warren: 70+ Eurasian White-fronted Geese on North Marsh.

Aldeburgh Estuary: a juvenile Great Northern Diver off the old Brick Dock plus a Merlin at Aldeburgh Marsh.

Hollesley Marsh: a Cattle Egret in the field below the prison, a single Pink-footed Goose and two Short-eared Owls between the site and Shingle Street.

Kingsfleet: five Corn Buntings on the track down from Deben Lodge.

Wherstead: a Black-throated Diver off the Strand.

Holbrook: two Hawfinches again in the churchyard.

Bury St Edmunds: between 18 and 20 Ring-necked Parakeets noted in the town recently.

Hengrave: up to nine Ring-necked Parakeet recently.


February 4th

Burgh Castle: a male Hen Harrier viewed from the fort.

Minsmere: six Bewick's Swans, four Whooper Swan and a first-winter Common Gull, thought to be subspecies heinei. It has also been seen at Sizewell pig fields.

Hollesley Marsh: a Cattle Egret in the field below the prison and two Caspian Gulls, an adult and a first-winter.

Kirton Creek: two Whooper Swans.

Kingsfleet: eight Corn Buntings.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again in the churchyard.

Flatford: a Hawfinch again in trees west of the entrance to short path leading to Judas Gap.


February 3rd

Covehithe Broad: seven Whooper Swans, three Bewick's Swans that later flew south over Covehithe Broad plus three Scaup.

Wangford: five Cattle Egrets still in the field opposite the entrance to Henham quarry.

Hollesley Marsh: a Cattle Egret in the field below the prison.

Loompit Lake: both the Pink-footed Goose and a Tundra Bean Goose present plus four Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Wherstead: a Black-throated Diver down river from the Orwell Bridge.

Holbrook: the Hawfinches again in the churchyard.


February 2nd

Fritton Mound: two male Hen Harriers and two Short-eared Owls looking onto Haddiscoe Marshes, with both species flying into Suffolk.

Covehithe Broad: two Scaup again present plus two Bewick's Swans.

Minsmere: a Water Pipit from Island Mere hide.

Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW still present.

Boyton Marsh: 271 Eurasian White-fronted Geese.

Hollesley Marsh: a Cattle Egret in the field below the prison and a Short-eared Owl along the river wall.

Woodbridge: a Firecrest a Kyson Point.

Ipswich: a Raven over Stoke Park Drive.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches again in the churchyard.

Cattawade: a Water Pipit east of the A137.

Flatford: seven Hawfinches south-west of Judas Gap (51.9538, 1.0195).


February 1st

Somerleyton: three Cattle Egrets along Slugs Lane.

Carlton Marsh: seven Cattle Egrets left the roost early morning.

Walberswick: c.50 Snow Buntings still along the beach between Walberswick and Dunwich.

Dunwich: Long-tailed Duck off the car park, drifting north.

Minsmere: a Raven, a Whooper Swan, four Bewick's Swans, a Goosander and a Purple Sandpiper. Two Cranes on Island Mere.

Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW still present.

Boyton Marsh: 160+ Eurasian White-fronted Geese and a Short-eared Owl hunting between the reserve and the pumping station.

Orwell estuary: a Great Northern Diver off Clamp House, Chelmondiston.

Shotley: four Cattle Egrets in fields along the B1456.

Erwarton: both male and female Hen Harrier seen at Sop Corner.

Holbrook: five Hawfinches in the churchyard.


Suffolk Bird Group (Charity Number: 801446)
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