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A Call For Ringed Plover Wardens

Volunteer wardens needed to protect Ringed Plover in the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB

The Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB has been expanded by about 38 sq. km (14.6 sq. miles) – almost a tenth of its size – to include the Stour Estuary, stretching from Manningtree to Harwich in Essex. This means that both the Suffolk and Essex banks of the Stour estuary are now part of the AONB.

Ringed Plover - copyright John Richardson

The Stour and Orwell are subject to increasing levels of recreational disturbance with walkers and dogs being the main culprits. I recently joined Alex Moore of the AONB and volunteers setting up fencing on the beach at Shotley Marina where we hope ringed plovers will be encouraged to nest.

We need volunteers to who can spare a little time to check for ringed plover and talk to dog walkers and explain why the fencing is necessary. If ringed plover do nest here we will need volunteer wardens. We are also hoping to expand the project to new areas with the next section of beach at Shotley planned for the 29th March.

If you can spare some time to help please contact Alex Moore at

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