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SBG 50th Birthday Celebratory Talk: Mark Cocker - One Midsummer's Day


Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Our next Indoor Event is on Thursday 19th October, it is a joint event with Woodbridge SWT Group starting at 7.30pm, being held at Woodbridge Community Hall, Station Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4AU.

We are inviting back Mark Cocker, who has spoken to the group many times and is probably our most prolific speaker! This time Mark will be talking to us about his latest book One Midsummer's Day, which is all about Swift's a subject that has been very relevant to SBG and it's members in recent years due to the huge success of joint project with SWT, Save Our Suffolk Swifts.

The new book is about the extraordinary lives of Swifts, their migrations, which include some of the longest journeys performed by any terrestrial birds. It also explores the remarkable feeding behaviours and nesting habits of many Swifts as well as their broader ecology. Yet this is a book with a wider moral and philosophical message. By situating swifts within the widest possible context, especially the central relationship between birds, plants and insects, the author explores the interconnectedness of all life. These birds without borders are a perfect symbol to express the unity of the living planet. They illuminate how no creature, least of all ourselves, can be said to be alive in isolation. We are all inextricably connected.

The evening will also mark the fact that 2023 is Suffolk Bird Group's 50th Birthday so will include a short reflection on the Group's history from our President John Grant and will be a chance for us all to celebrate the occasion.

Entrance is £5 payable on the door, Under 25's are free of charge.

The entrance fee also includes a ticket for the evenings raffle, amongst the prizes is a pair of binoculars kindly donated by Viking Optics, raffle tickets will also be available to purchase before the talk starts.

Teas and Coffees will be on offer at the interval, as will some cakes to add to the birthday celebrations!

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