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September 2024 Sightings

September 30th

Minsmere: a Pale-bellied Brent Goose south.

Aldeburgh: a Pomarine Skua north along the shoreline.


September 29th

Lowestoft: a Yellow-browed Warbler by Links Road car park then flew to Warrenhouse Wood.

Minsmere: a Yellow-browed Warbler in the sluice bushes.

Boyton Marsh: an Osprey present.


September 28th

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on South Scrape plus the Little Stint and a first-winter Caspian Gull. Two Yellow-browed Warblers in the sluice bushes.

Thorpeness: a Great Skua north.


September 27th

Southwold: two Long-tailed Skuas south (at 11:10 and 11:27).

Minsmere: a Black Tern flew north, a Great Skua south and a Little Stint on South Scrape.

Sizewell: two Arctic Terns, three Little Gulls and three Caspian Gulls.

Slaughden: 24 skuas south, between 10:15-11:15, that were mostly identified as Arctic Skuas flew A Long-tailed Skua and five Arctic Skuas further flew south at 11:48.

Orford: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the recreation ground plus a possible BARRED WARBLER at the sewage works.

​Raydon: a Whinchat along the path opposite the disused airfield.


September 26th

Breydon: a Reed Warbler . of possible eastern race 'fuscus' seen going to roost on Glebe March plus Cattle Egret on Burgh Flats.

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on South Scrape and nine Spoonbills (four and five) flew south offshore.

Thorpeness: a Pallid/Montagu's Harrier reported flying south.

Landguard: a Ring Ouzel flew south over LBO.


September 25th

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on South Scrape.

Dunwich: 5 Spoonbills at Dingle Marshes.

Felixstowe: a Yellow-browed Warbler along Clickett Hill Road.


September 24th

Breydon: Spoonbills.

Hazlewood Marsh: an Osprey.

​Raydon: a Whinchat along the path opposite the disused airfield.​


September 23rd

Lowestoft: a Sooty Shearwater north.

Benacre: a Garganey on the Broad and two Redstarts north of the sluice. 

Dunwich: a Merlin  hunting around Dingle Marshes.

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on South Scrape.

Sizewell: a Yellow-browed Warbler at Sizewell belts.

Thorpeness: a Pale-bellied Brent Goose south.

Stutton: a Raven calling near the War Memorial.

Shelley: a RED-NECKED PHALAROPE , an Osprey and the juvenile PURPLE HERON remains at Gifford's Flash.


September 22nd

Kessingland: the Black-necked Grebe still on the shore pools and a Redstart just north of the sluice..

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on South Scrape, a Hawfinch in bushes along the North Wall and a Redstart 800m south of the Sluice.

Sizewell: a Yellow-browed Warbler at Sizewell Hall plus a Pied Flycatcher.

Boyton Marsh: a Cattle Egret at Butley Ferry.

Kirton: a WRYNECK at Kirton Creek.

Landguard: the BARRED WARBLER seen last week was re-trapped at LBO.

Trimley Marsh: three Cattle Egrets on the winter flood.

Raydon: at least one Whinchat still at the disused airfield.


September 21st

Gunton: a Yellow-browed Warbler at Dip Farm, by the car park.

Kessingland: the Black-necked Grebe still on the shore pools, a Whinchat in off and landed on the beach and a Spotted Flycatcher along Pedlars Lane.

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT again on South Scrape.

North Warren: a Purple Sandpiper on the sluice outfall and a Whinchat on South Marsh.

Shingle Street: three Whinchats in the field opposite the tennis court.

Woodbridge: two Ravens over Seckford Hall.

Raydon: two Whinchats at the disused airfield.


September 20th

Kessingland: the Black-necked Grebe still on the shore pools.

Benacre: a Firecrest in a copse east of Beach Farm.

Southwold: three probable Arctic Skuas south and a Sooty Shearwater north.

Minsmere: a TEMMINCK'S STINT on South Scrape.

Sizewell: 6+ Little Gulls around the outfall.

Hazlewood Marsh: 16 Spoonbills. 

Hollesley Marsh: an Osprey over.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON remains at Gifford's Flash.


September 19th

Kessingland: Black-necked Grebe on the shore pools.

Southwold: Sooty Shearwater north.

Minsmere: a probable Long-tailed Skua sat on the sea. A Spoonbill north over the levels and three Purple Sandpipers north along the beach.

Thorpeness: a Long-tailed Skua north.

Boyton Marsh: an Osprey present, a Wood Sandpiper on the flash and eight Spoonbills flew over the river at Pinneys Oysterage.

Nacton: two Ravens at Stratton Hall woods.

Raydon: two Whinchats at the disused airfield.


September 18th

Minsmere: an adult Long-tailed Skua close inshore heading north.

Sizewell: a Ring Ouzel by the white cottages.

Landguard: a Great Northern Diver south offshore.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON remains at Gifford's Flash.


September 17th

Benacre: a Purple Sandpiper by the sluice.

Southwold: a juvenile Long-tailed Skua north and a juvenile Arctic Skua north.

Boyton Marsh: a Merlin on the flash.

Butley Ferry: an Osprey hunting on the river.

Landguard: a BARRED WARBLER trapped and ringed at LBO.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON remains at Gifford's Flash.


September 16th

Kessingland: Little Stint at the shore pools.

Benacre: the Red-crested Pochard on the Broad.

Hazlewood Marsh: three Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Stint. 

Boyton Marsh: a Glossy Ibis and a Merlin on the flash.

Landguard: a RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER trapped and ringed at LBO - it had previously been rung in Denmark and a Pied Flycatcher behind the kitchen.

Pipps Ford: the Little Stint still present.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON remains at Gifford's Flash.


September 15th

Kessingland: Spotted Flycatcher along Pedlars Lane.

Benacre: an eclipse Red-crested Pochard on the Broad.

Walberswick: Whinchat on the path to Westwood Marshes.

North Warren: Whinchat on South Marsh plus two in a field inland.

Aldeburgh Marsh: two Ospreys south along the Alde together plus four Whinchats.

Hazlewood Marsh: three juvenile Curlew Sandpipers and 22 Spoonbills. 

Pipps Ford: the Little Stint still present.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON remains at Gifford's Flash.

Haughley: a Raven at Plashwood Road.


September 14th

Kessingland: three Black Terns south off the beach.

Benacre: an eclipse Red-crested Pochard on the Broad with four Arctic Skuas south offshore.

Minsmere: a Redstart in the sluice bushes.

Hazlewood Marsh: two Little Stints and an Osprey. 

Butley Ferry: an Osprey. 

Shingle Street: Pied Flycatcher.

Pipps Ford: a Little Stint on the gravel pit.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 13th

Kessingland: Little Stint at the shore pools.

Minsmere: a Wood Warbler in the sluice bushes and a Wryneck reported in a ploughed field off the approach road from Westleton. 

Hazlewood Marsh: a Little Stint.

Boyton Marsh: an Osprey.

Landguard: two Purple Sandpipers on the point and a Pied Flycatcher in the ringing compound.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 12th

Hazlewood Marsh: an Osprey, a Merlin, 11 Spoonbills, a Spotted Redshank, two juvenile Curlew Sandpipers and two Whinchats.

Boyton Marsh: an Osprey. 

Kingsfleet: an Osprey, a Hobby, and two Whinchats also a Pied Flycatcher from the Tomline Wall.

Falkenham Marshes: HONEY BUZZARD flew over the Deben towards Redhouse Farm.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 11th

Minsmere: a ringtail Hen Harrier from Bittern Hide, a Black Tern south offshore and a juvenile Little Stint on South Scrape.

Aldeburgh Marsh: an Osprey hunting the Alde up river and seven Pink-footed Geese on the marsh.

Shingle Street: two Whinchats.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 10th

Kessingland: a Whinchat, four Wheatears, two Willow Warblers at the sluice.

Pakefield: two Cory's Shearwater north.

Minsmere: two Pied Flycatchers in the sluice bushes.

Landguard: two Spotted Flycatchers and two Pied Flycatchers in the compound.

Badley: two Ravens flew low from the church.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.

Lackford Lakes: a White-tailed Eagle over the reserve.


September 9th

Benacre: a Merlin by the sluice.

Walberswick: Merlin at Westwood Marshes.

Westleton: three Spotted Flycatchers and a Pied Flycatcher by the quarry on the heath.

Minsmere: four Redstarts south of the sluice bushes.

Sizewell: a Whinchat by the power station and three Redstarts at Sandy Lane.

Bawdsey: three Wheatears, a Swift and a Purple Sandpiper at East Lane.

Landguard: an adult ORTOLAN BUNTING north of the seawatch hide, an ICTERINE WARBLER in the compound down from the Obs and a GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL on the common.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.​​​​​​


September 8th

Gunton: three Spotted Flycatchers and two Pied Flycatchers at Dip Farm.

Kessingland: a Spotted Flycatcher along Marsh Lane.

Southwold: four Spotted Flycatchers and two Pied Flycatchers by the sewage works area. A Sooty Shearwater north offshore and Purple Sandpiper by the pier.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey again on the Blyth and 13 Spoonbills.

Westleton: a first-winter Caspian Gull at the pig fields.

Minsmere: an Osprey south along the beach and the Wryneck still by the sluice.

Sudbourne: two Spotted Flycatchers, one Tree Pipit, three Redstarts, an Osprey drifted west and a Spoonbill.

Tunstall: a HONEY BUZZARD flew low south over Tunstall Forest towards Orford.

Orfordness: a Wryneck, 15 Redstarts, nine Whinchats, two Pied Flycatchers and a Tree Pipit.

Orford: an Osprey by the Quay.

Bawdsey: Pomarine Skua south off East Lane plus two Black Terns and one Common Redstart.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 7th

Gunton: Wryneck at Gunton Warren. At Dip Farm two Spotted Flycatchers.

Lowestoft: four Sooty Shearwaters north off Ness Point and another north off North Beach.

Kessingland: two Spotted Flycatchers, three Pied Flycatchers, four Tree Pipits and a Redstart along Marsh Lane. A Redstart just north of the Sluice.

Benacre: two Redstarts and two Whinchats at Beach Farm.

Southwold: an Osprey south. Four Redstarts, six Spotted Flycatchers, six Pied Flycatchers, three Tree Pipits by the sewage works area.

Minsmere: two Pied Flycatchers at the Sluice bushes with a Wryneck nearby and a juvenile RED-BACKED SHRIKE at the Chapel Fields.

Sizewell: two Pied Flycatchers at Dower House.

Thorpeness: two Sooty Shearwaters north plus Wryneck, two Spotted Flycatchers, two Redstarts, Tree Pipit and Pied Flycatcher at OCP with Pomarine Skua offshore.

Sudbourne: four Tree Sparrows, one Tree Pipit, six Redstarts, five Spotted Flycatchers and three Whinchats plus a flock of eight White Wagtails.

Orford: an Osprey fishing on the River Ore. Two Redstarts, four Whinchats and two Tree Pipits by the sewage works. At Orford Castle two Spotted Flycatchers, three Redstarts, one Pied Flycatcher and one Tree Pipit with Spoonbill over.

Shingle Street: Whinchats by the tennis court.

Bawdsey: Great Skua north off East Lane. A Pied Flycatcher at the Quay.

Landguard: an ICTERINE WARBLER trapped and ringed at LBO. GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL and Blue-headed Wagtail on the seaward side of the Obs.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 6th

Corton: a Little Gull swimming north from Bakers Score. A Wryneck by the new Sewage Works plus two Whinchat, Spotted Flycatcher, two Redstarts and Pied Flycatcher with four Redstart by the Radar Lodge approach track.

Gunton: Spotted Flycatcher and two Pied Flycatchers along the disused rail track. Pied Flycatcher and Redstart by Dip Farm football pitches.

Lowestoft: 20+ Manx Shearwaters north, also BALEARIC SHEARWATER, several Sooty Shearwaters, a Great Skua and six Arctic Skuas south. A CORY'S SHEARWATER north (at 11:30).

Kessingland: three Spotted Flycatchers, two Pied Flycatchers and a Redstart along Marsh Lane.

Benacre: a Redstart and 2 Whinchats. Four Garganey on the Broad.

Southwold: four BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 41 Manx Shearwaters and 15 Sooty Shearwaters. Late afternoon six Spotted Flycatchers, five Redstarts, three Pied Flycatcher and two Tree Pipits with an Osprey north.

Walberswick: Purple Sandpiper at the harbour plus Eider.

Minsmere: nine Manx Shearwaters north. A juvenile RED-BACKED SHRIKE on the Chapel fields, plus Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher and Whinchat. A Black Tern north offshore.

Sizewell: a CORY'S SHEARWATER north (at 09:53).

Thorpeness: a CORY'S SHEARWATER south and 18 Manx Shearwaters north. Three Whinchats, Spotted Flycatcher, a Redstart and two Pied Flycatchers.

Hazlewood Marsh: 15 Spoonbills.

Orford: an Osprey fishing on the River Ore. Two Redstarts and Whinchat by the sewage works plus a Merlin south.

Shingle Street: two Whinchats.

Bawdsey: Sooty Shearwater north off East Lane.

Trimley Marshes: a DOTTEREL early morning, then flew south. Two Wood Sandpipers on the Summer Flood.​​​

September 5th

Lowestoft: a Sooty Shearwater north past North Beach and a SABINE'S GULL north past Ness Point.

Southwold: both a Velvet Scoter and a Sooty Shearwater heading north offshore

Blythburgh: 16 Spoonbills from the A12 bridge.

Minsmere: a Redstart south of the sluice towards Sizewell, a RED-BACKED SHRIKE on the Chapel fields and two Curlew Sandpipers on South Scrape.

Thorpeness: three Manx Shearwaters, two Sooty Shearwaters and six Little Gulls offshore.

Bawdsey: two Sooty Shearwaters north off East Lane.

Landguard: the DOTTEREL still present, plus a Pied Flycatcher ringed, a Whinchat and a Purple Sandpiper on the Point.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 4th

Carlton Marshes: PURPLE HERON reported.

Benacre: a Raven near Beach Farm.

Covehithe: a dark Fulmar flew south close in.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey on the Blyth.

Thorpeness: two Whinchats on the cliff top, north of the old caravan park.

Boyton Marsh: Whinchat on

Bawdsey: a Sooty Shearwater south off East Lane.

Landguard: a Wryneck in the beach bushes opposite Icky Ridge, a DOTTEREL and a Redstart.

Manningtree: two Spoonbills east of the railway bridge, on the Stour mudflats.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 3rd

Lowestoft: Little Gull at Ness Point and a Redstart in the north-east corner of the Bird's-eye factory.

Benacre: a Redstart and a Whinchat in the Benacre Pit area.

Hen Reedbeds: two Ospreys on the Blyth.

Minsmere: a Black Tern roosting on South Scrape.

Aldringham Walks: Pied Flycatchers and Whinchat noted

North Warren: 7+ Pied Flycatchers and an eclipse male Garganey.

Boyton Marsh: a female Merlin on the scrape.

Shingle Street: three Whinchats still around today.

Upper Hollesley Common: a Whinchat.

Landguard: two Redstarts and a Purple Sandpiper on the point. Two Tree Pipits; one on the beach and one in the ringing compound.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash, but elusive.


September 2nd

Lowestoft: 7+ Pied Flycatchers and two Redstarts around between Battery Green roundabout and Mariners Score.

Benacre: a Redstart south of Beach Farm and a Whinchat north of the sluice.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey again on the Blyth and seven Spoonbills.

Thorpeness: a Pied Flycatcher at the old caravan park, a Sooty Shearwater flew north plus 20 Little Gulls.

Dunwich: a Black Tern off the coastguard cottages.

Landguard: both Wryneck and Wood Warbler ringed at LBO.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 1st

Gorleston: 2CY Caspian Gull on the beach.

Corton: an Sooty Shearwater south (at 09:20). Common Redstart at the Radar Lodge.

Gunton: a Pied Flycatcher along the disused rail track near the bridge.

Lowestoft: two Sooty Shearwaters (one north at 06:34, one north at 07:10).

Benacre: a Leach's Petrel north (at 10:16), two Whinchats on the approach road to Beach Farm and a Tree Pipit south over Beach Farm plus three Common Redstarts.

Covehithe: two Sooty Shearwater (one north at 07:30, one north at 07:50) plus five Arctic Skuas south.

Southwold: a Manx Shearwater north (at 06:38), a Leach's Petrel north (08:35 to 08:40) and a Great Skua south (at 09:30). Two Caspian Gulls by the harbour and two Common Redstarts on the driving range.

Reydon: a Whinchat and a Pied Flycatcher along the footpath between Reydon and Easton Bavents.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey again on the Blyth and 12 Spoonbills.

Minsmere: a Garganey on the scrape.

Aldringham Walks: a Common Redstart and a Pied Flycatcher.

Thorpeness: two Long-tailed Skuas and five Arctic Skuas and a Sooty Shearwater north.

Hazlewood Marsh: an Osprey present, 11 Spoonbills and a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper.

Orford: one HONEY BUZZARD east over the church and one east of the quay.

Havergate Island: an AMERICAN/PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER flew north over Dovey's.

Shingle Street: a Whinchat on telegraph wires and a Tree Pipit.

Felixstowe: a juvenile Tree Sparrow on feeders at Suffolk Sands holiday park.

Raydon: a Whinchat on the disused railway.

Shelley: a juvenile PURPLE HERON on Gifford's Flash.

Suffolk Bird Group (Charity Number: 801446)
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